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Showing posts from February, 2012

Regional caucus Africa: meeting of regional civil society at the CSW

This afternoon was the moment for several regional caucuses. That means: civil society organizations from a specific region meet up and exchange thoughts. Unlike the negotiations between the government delegations, these meetings are open to anyone who wishes to join. We were very interested to hear how women from around the African continent strategize during the CSW. As you may recall, during last year’s session the representative of the African Group did not flourish in pro-gender statements… An African Women Statement was presented on behalf of regional African women’s organizations. The organizations recall CEDAW and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (‘Maputo Protocol’ 2003). They underscore acceleration of the implementation of commitments made to women’s human rights. Hinders to women’s freedom of choice and mobility in the socio-economic context are mentioned. Even the persistence of patriarchal norms and rural...

Van Bijsterveldt riep CSW op 'to move forward'

Voor het eerst sinds 7 jaar maakt de minister van emancipatie deel uit van de regeringsdelegatie naar de CSW. Minister van Bijsterveldt heeft vol overtuiging daarvoor gekozen, zo vertelde ze de NGO-vertegenwoordigers vanmiddag tijdens de lunch op de PV, waarvoor ze hen had uitgenodigd. Hoewel in de Nederlandse context de politieke discussie over emancipatie tegenwoordig vaak ten onrechte verengd wordt tot emancipatie van homo’s, lesbo’s, biseksuele en transgender personen (LHBT), gaat het Nederlandse emancipatiebeleid ook en nog steeds over verbetering van de positie van vrouwen. De titel van het persbericht - Minister maakt zich bij VN sterk voor vrouwenrechten - moet dan ook zeker niet worden opgevat als wel bij de VN, maar niet in Nederland , merkt uw columnist op. De toespraak van de minister vond op dinsdagmiddag plaats, toen het al avond was in Nederland, zodat we niet meteen een link naar de tekst konden plaatsen - inmiddels, het is nu hier een uur of zeven, vonden we de...

Trend watching @ Opening Ceremony

This morning the opening ceremony of the 56 th session of the Commission on the Status of Women took place in the General Assembly of the United Nations. Several organization- and country-representatives delivered speeches, which provide us with some useful insights in the overall trends and specific agenda’s during the session to come. All spokespersons confirmed the importance of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) . This agenda captures the centrality of gender and gender equality. It is not entirely surprising that progressive, moderate and conservative states alike underline the BPfA. After all “one of the key roles of the CSW is to monitor progress and address remaining gaps in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.” ( Ms. Marjon V. Kamara from Liberia , chair of CSW56 ). Ms. Kamara further stated that “For good reasons, the annual sessions of the CSW are a ‘must-attend’ on the calendars of the global gender equality community. It is the ti...

Rustige CSW?

Rustige CSW? Het was uitermate prettig om maar een stuk of vijf vrouwen vóór ons te hebben in de rij bij de registratie op zondag. Terwijl we toch pas na half tien aansloten. Al waren het er wel iets meer geworden voor we uiteindelijk aan de beurt waren, ruimschoots voor elven liepen we alweer door een zonnig, maar erg fris Manhattan – erg fijn voor mijn griephoofd. Nu we de eerste CSW-dag achter de rug hebben beginnen meer eerste impressies in te dalen. Het lijkt er op dat het, in ieder geval qua NGO-aanwezigheid, erg rustig is. Veel rustiger dan in 2010 en 2008 – mijn voorgaande CSW-gangen. Of het ook qua inhoud rustig zal zijn valt te bezien. Er schijnt al weer informeel verder onderhandeld te zijn over de door het Bureau van de CSW opgestelde draft Agreed Conclusions (zie voor de Bureauversie de link een blog of wat geleden). Hopelijk horen we daar meer over op de lunch bij de Permanente Vertegenwoordiging waarvoor we morgen door minister van Bijsterveldt zijn uitgenod...

Victory for domestic workers

The National Domestic Workers Alliance (VS) celebrated the Oscar for The Help in numerous ‘Be the Help’ viewing parties. Trade Union Women from all over the world, in New York for CSW 56 , joined in last saturday night. They felt like having received the honour of the prestigious award for themselves. Marieke Koning (International Trade Union Confederation) explained about the international campaign the global unions have embarked on. The international Domestic Workers Network is of course on of the partners in the campaign.The ‘12 by 12’ Campaign aims at 12 ratifications of C189, the new ILO Convention Decent Work for Domestic Workers, by 2012. The Campaign runs now in 56 countries. Dozens of unions /coalitions organised events in December 2011 to officially launch the Campaign. Though the Netherlands has ratified the majority of the ILO-Conventions minister Kamp has decided not the ratify the new convention. Consequence of ratification would be that domestic workers o...

CSW56 is about to start!

The 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW56) will start on Monday 27 February, at the United Nations in New York. The Dutch delegation will be strongly represented this year, and we look forward to cooperate with our colleagues and friends of last years session, and the ones we have been in close contact with in the last months during the preparations. We are prepared! The Dutch government delegation will consist of Minister van Bijsterveldt of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) -we are delighted to have her on board! - and representatives from the Departments of Emancipation and Gender Equality of both the Ministry of OCW as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinBuZa). Many representatives of Dutch civil society will travel to New York one of these days. To make our voices heard for gender equality, women's rights, diversity and freedom of choice! Through this blo g we will ke ep you updated on interesting side events and, very i...