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Showing posts from February, 2025

Engage Men towards Feminist Peace

During a lively briefing on 27 January 2025 for NGOs in the Netherlands about the 69th UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), experts from diverse backgrounds presented their pitches about key topics of importance for the delegation to keep in mind while engaging in the upcoming CSW negotiations. The sixth pitch was contributed by Ilse Wermink, Policy Advisor on Gender Peace and Security at PAX . For personal reasons she could not attend the meeting and her statement was read by Yara Bon, WO=MEN. PAX is an international organisation that has over 75 years of experience working with local organisations for global peace. From militarisation Military expenditure is at an all time high, while the world is seeing a devastating peak in conflict-related fatalities. Gender is central to all this. Militarisation should not be glorified or normalized.  In 1995, states committed through the Beijing Platform for Action to “reduce excessive military expenditures, control the availability o...

Let young migrant women thrive

Bruna presents her pitch During a lively briefing on 27 January 2025 for NGOs in the Netherlands about the 69th UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), experts from diverse backgrounds presented their pitches about key topics of importance for the delegation to keep in mind while engaging in the upcoming CSW negotiations. This fifth pitch was presented by Bruna Martinez on behalf of Young Feminist Europe, a platform of diverse young feminists in Europe who raise awareness on intersectional gender issues. Seven years ago, I moved to the Netherlands from Brazil in pursuit of a graduate education. Despite the challenges of navigating the job market and securing my right to reside, I am fortunate to stand here today as a proud immigrant who has succeeded in society’s terms. However, this is not the reality for most migrant women in Europe. I stand in solidarity with them, amplifying their voices in this space. There are over 42 million migrant women in Europe, many young, racializ...

Inclusiviteit: ook voor oudere vrouwen

  Joke de Ruiter presenteert haar pitch Tijdens een levendige briefing op 27 januari 2025 voor NGO's in Nederland over de 69e VN Commissie voor de Status van Vrouwen (CSW), presenteerden diverse experts hun pitches met aanbevelingen aan de delegatie voor de komende CSW-onderhandelingen. Alle 6 de pitches staan hier (in het Nederlands of Engels) op deze CSW blogpagina. De vierde pitch werd gegeven door Joke de Ruiter, voorzitter van de stichting Oudere Vrouwen netwerk Nederland (OVN). OVN, opgericht in 2001, brengt vrouwen samen afkomstig uit ouderenbonden en organisaties van vrouwen uit minderheidsgroepen in Nederland. Het netwerk is lid van de Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad ( NVR ) en in Brussel van Age Platform Europe. Om te beginnen: ik ben blij dat inmiddels de vrouwenvertegenwoordiger voorgedragen door de NVR voor de Algemene Vergadering van de VN bekend is, dit is Marica Wismeijer.   OVN vraagt aandacht voor en werkt aan een betere sociaal, economisch en medische positie van o...