Women’s organizations have carried the burden of stopping violence against women(VAW) for long enough. This was the general agreement at a high level round table on indicators to measure VAW held yesterday afternoon. The consensus is: it is up to governments to implement measures to stop VAW. The delegates on the floor at the UN say that it is not enough to support rape crisis centers, finance research, or reform violators. VAW is a crisis in society. Drastic measures are needed to stop it. To support States in researching VAW the government statistician of Ghana is leading a UN effort to develop baseline studies on the incidence and extent of violence. But will the States undertake this research? The precariously funded national statistical offices will only do this work if their governments ask them to prioritize it. Will that happen? It is good that States take on their responsibility. But it is going hand in hand with cutbacks in funding to civil society organizations. A likely s...
11 - 22 March 2024: 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women #CSW68