Speech of Lin McDevitt-Pugh, International Information Centre and Archives for the Women's Movement (IIAV) at the Commission on the Status of Women, New York, 3 March 2008 Mr Chair, distinguished delegates, valued NGO colleagues, thank you for this opportunity to address you on this most important issue. I represent 400 women’s information organizations world wide. A century of collecting books, information, reports, research, documentation on what has to change, and how change has happened. Public policy makers know that transformation does not happen based on one good idea, or one well thought through policy. Sustained change takes thought, effort, commitment, communication. And documentation. Civil servants come and go. Politicians come and go. Researchers come and go. But information remains. The collective memory of all our best efforts to implement policies that make a difference in women’s lives, is not in government offices. It is not in the drawers of civil servants. It...