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Draft agreed conclusion text van 9 maart 2009

De onderhandelingen zijn in volle gang, hier de tekst van 9 maart. Loeky Droesen

Commission on the Status of Women
Fifty-third session, 2– 13 March 2009

Agreed conclusions
The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including care-giving in the context of HIV/AIDS

1. The Commission on the Status of Women reaffirms the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome documents of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, and the declaration adopted by the Commission on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women.

2. The Commission reaffirms the outcome of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, the 1995 World Summit for Social Development, [EU; Russia, African Group: add: the 2000 Millennium Summit], [US; Chile: add: the United Nations Millennium Declaration of 2000], [CARICOM; EU; China; Russia, African Group: add: the Millennium Development Goals], [EU; Russia: add: the 2005 World Summit] [Cuba: delete: the 2002 Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development] [China: add: the 2000 Millennium Summit, the 2002 World Summit on Children] and their follow-up processes and [Brazil: delete: reaffirms] [Brazil: add: recognizes] further that their full and effective implementation is essential to achieve the equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS.

3. The Commission reiterates that [USA: add: Governments have a duty to guarantee the full enjoyment of all rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and reiterates that] the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, [China, African Group: delete: as well as other Conventions and treaties], [New Zealand; CARICOM; Chile; African Group: add: the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities] [Syria: add: the 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War] as well as other Conventions and treaties, [New Zealand: add constitute the standard and], provide a legal [African Group: add: and policy] framework and a comprehensive set of measures to promote the equal sharing of [African Group: delete responsibility] [African Group: add: responsibilities] between women and men [Qatar; Iran: add: with full respect for the various religious and ethical values and cultural backgrounds of each country’s people] [African Group: add: with full respect for the various religious and ethical values and cultural practices that are not harmful to women]

4. The Commission [US: deletes: recognizes] [US: add: notes] the ILO Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981, (No. 156) and its corresponding Recommendation (No. 165) which provides a framework for reconciling [EU: delete: paid] work and family responsibilities.

Malaysia, African Group: add: 4 bis
The Commission recognizes that gender inequalities still exist and are reflected in imbalances of power between women and men in all spheres of society. The Commission further recognizes that everyone benefits from gender equality and that the negative impacts of gender inequality are borne by society as a whole and emphasizes, therefore, that men and boys, through taking responsibility themselves and working jointly in partnership with women and girls, are essential to achieving the goals of gender equality, development and peace. The Commission recognizes the capacity of men and boys in bringing about change in attitudes, relationships and access to resources and decision-making which are critical for the promotion of gender equality and the full enjoyment of all human rights by women. (agreed conclusions on the role of men and boys in achieving gender equality, para 3, 2004)

EU, African Group: add: 4 bis
The Commission recalls and reiterates that the full integration of women into the formal economy and, in particular into economic decision-making, means changing the current gender-based division of labour into new economic structures where women and men enjoy equal treatment, pay and power. To this end, better sharing of paid and unpaid work between women and men is required. Governments should take or encourage measures, including, where appropriate, the formulation, promotion and implementation of legal and administrative measures to facilitate the reconciliation of work and personal and/or family life, such as child and dependant care, parental leave and flexible working schemes for men and women and, where appropriate, shorter working hours. (agreed conclusions on women and the economy, 1997, para. 15).

EU: add: 4 ter
The Commission notes that the costs of unequal sharing of responsibilities include weaker labour market attachment for women (foregone jobs, shorter working hours, confinement to informal work, and lower wages), weaker access to social security benefits, and less time for education/training, leisure and self-care, and political activities. (based on E/CN.6/2009/2, para 34).

5. The Commission [Chile; EU: delete: welcomes] [African Group, Costa Rica: add: reaffirms] [Chile; EU; CARICOM; Brazil: add: reaffirms the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS] [Chile: delete: the June 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS], which [Australia: add: expressed concern that gender inequality increases women’s vulnerability to HIV/AIDS] [Brazil: add: inter-alia] expressed concern [Cuba: add: about the overall expansion of the pandemic and feminization of HIV/AIDS] [Costa Rica: delete: which expressed concern that] [Costa Rica: add: and acknowledges] that women [US: add: of all ages] and girls bear the disproportionate burden to care for and support those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS [Australia: add: and that this has serious health, education, economic and political consequences for women and girls]

New Zealand: add: 5 bis
The Commission recognises that a wide range of activities undertaken in households are unremunerated and that the unequal division of labour and responsibilities within households based on unequal power relations also limits women's and girls’ potential, and impacts the ability of women and girls to exercise the full range of their human rights. (Based on E/CN.6/2009/2 para 14 and on Beijing PFA para 185)

New Zealand: add: 5 ter
The Commission recognises that caregiving work at the household and family level includes the support and care of children, older persons, the ill, persons with disabilities, and caring associated with various forms of the family, which is affected by factors such as size of household and number and age of children, with significant differences between developed and developing countries in the availability of infrastructure and services supporting caregiving. The Commission also recognizes that changes in demographic situations in ageing and youthful societies, and in the context of HIV/AIDS, have increased the need for, and scope of, care. (Based on E/CN.6/2009/2 para 15 and Beijing PfA, para 29)
Venezuela: 5 bis: language to be provided (on financial crisis)

Chile: add: 5 bis:
The Commission further welcomes ongoing partnerships between stakeholders at all levels and the commitments announced at the 2008 high-level event on the Millennium Development Goals to accelerate progress on Millennium Development Goal 6. (Ref. Resolution 63/158 pp 12 on Efforts to end obstetric fistula; SG Compilation of initiatives and commitments relating to the High level Event on the Millennium Development Goals )

Australia: add: 5 bis:
The Commission acknowledges that the financial crisis has had a disproportionately negative impact on women, in particular in relation to the equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS. The Commission urges members to adopt initiatives to ameliorate the negative impacts on women of the financial crisis, in particular noting an increased caregiving burden. The Commission further notes the importance of gender-sensitive measures in economic stimuli packages and other responses to the financial crisis. The Commission notes the growing body of evidence demonstrating that investing in women and girls has a multiplier effect on productivity, efficiency and sustained economic growth and urges members to maintain adequate levels of funding for gender equality measures. (Agreed Conclusions from CSW 52 (E/CN.2008/11)

Australia: add: 5 ter:
The Commission notes that the unequal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including in care-giving in the context of HIV/AIDS, persists in all parts of the world. Care giving work, often unremunerated, includes domestic work and community work, such as caring for children and older persons, caring for those with chronic diseases, caring associated with kinship and community obligations, securing food, and protecting the environment. Gender inequality and discrimination contribute to the continuing imbalance in the division of labour between women and men and perpetuate stereotypical perceptions of men as breadwinners and women as caregivers. As a consequence the potential of women and girls to participate in a broad range of activities which lead to gender equality, such as participation in education and training, the labour market and the public sphere, is constrained. (SG Report, para 74; Beijing PFA and B+5)

Australia: add: 5 quart:
The Commission acknowledges the important role of civil society and national human rights institutions in promoting the equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, and recognises their contribution to the Commission.

EU: add: 5.bis:
The Commission reaffirms the commitment to the equal participation of women and men in public and political life.

EU: add: 5 ter:
The Commission calls for the prompt conclusion of the ongoing reform process of the UN gender system in order to better achieve the commitments to gender equality, the advancement of women, women’s empowerment and human rights, through the establishment of a new gender entity led by an Under-Secretary-General, combining operational and normative functions to enhance gender mainstreaming within the UN system and deliver effectively on the ground.

Turkey: add: 5 bis:
The Commission reaffirms the commitment to the equal participation of women and men in public and political life enshrined in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and in the Convention on the Political Rights of Women as a necessary pendant to women and men’s equal participation in care giving) (based on agreed conclusions on equal participation of women and men in decision-making processes at all levels, 2006, para 3)

6. [Cuba; Iran: propose to split] The Commission urges Governments, [Kenya, Turkey, African Group: add: including local authorities] [USA: delete: in cooperation with] [USA: add: to work cooperatively within] the United Nations system, the Bretton Woods institutions, [USA: add: and] international and regional organizations, [USA: add: and to collaborate with], [Switzerland: delete: non-governmental organizations, civil society], [Chile: delete: civil society] [Chile: add: as well as other civil society actors] [Switzerland: add: civil society, including non-governmental organizations, the private sector, employer organizations and trade unions], [African Group: add trade unions] [Turkey: add: community-based organizations, trade unions] the private sector and other relevant actors, [Japan: delete: as appropriate], to take [Japan: add: as appropriate] the following actions [Israel: add: in order to ensure the effectiveness of their programmes and policies in support of gender equality]:

Norms and policies

a. Intensify efforts to fully implement the Beijing Platform for Action, the outcome documents of the International Conference on Population and Development, the World Summit for Social Development, [EU: add: the 2000 Millennium Summit], [EU, CARICOM, China: add: the Millennium Development Goals], [EU: add: the 2005 World Summit] [China: add: the 2002 World Summit on Children] and the Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development [Switzerland: add: the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing] [CARICOM, Brazil, African Group: add: the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS] and the outcomes of their follow-up processes; (based on the agreed conclusions on the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child, 2007, para 13(d)) [Cuba: replace with: Intensify efforts to fully implement the Beijing Platform for Action, the outcome documents of the five-year review of the Beijing Platform for Action, the World Summit for Children and the Millennium Development Goals]

Venezuela: add a bis:
Urge developed countries that have not yet done so, in accordance with their commitments, to make concrete efforts towards meeting the target of 0.7 per cent of their gross national product for official development assistance to developing countries and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of their gross national product to least developed countries, and encourage developing countries to build on the progress achieved in ensuring that official development assistance is used effectively to help meet development goals and targets and, inter alia, to assist them in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women (agreed conclusions on financing for gender equality and empowerment of women, 2008, para 21 q)

b. [Iran, USA: delete: Ratify, [Iran; Japan, African Group: add: Consider ratifying] [USA: add: Promote the ratification of] [Syria, Iran, USA, African Group: delete: without reservations] [Switzerland: add: with as few as possible reservations], the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and [USA: add: consider, as a matter of priority, ratifying] the Convention on the Rights of the Child, [EU: add: and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities] including the Optional Protocols thereto, and ensure the full and effective implementation [Turkey: add: and monitoring] of [USA: delete: the provisions of] [USA: add: obligations under] the Conventions and [USA, African Group: add: take into account] [Costa Rica: add: give positive consideration] [CARICOM; Malaysia: delete: the concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and the Committee on the Rights of the Child] [Syria: add: and the 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War];

Holy See, African Group: b alt:
Consider ratifying or acceding to, as a matter of priority, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and their respective Optional Protocols, limit the extent of any reservations that they lodge and regularly review such reservations with a view to withdrawing them so as to ensure that no reservation is incompatible with the object and purpose of the relevant treaty; and implement them fully by, inter alia, putting in place effective national legislation, policies and action plans; (para 13a of CSW 51 agreed conclusions)

c. [Australia, USA: delete: Promote the ratification and implementation of] [USA, African Group: add: Consider the ratification and implementation of] [Australia: add: Ratify and implement] the ILO Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156), and the implementation of its corresponding Recommendation (No. 165) which provide a framework for reconciling [EU: delete: paid] work and family responsibilities;

d. [EU: delete: Take all appropriate measures] Take all [New Zealand: delete: appropriate] [African Group: Take all appropriate] measures [Israel: add: of ensuring equality and non-discrimination in law and practice,] to [Switzerland: add: ensure the full enjoyment of human rights by men, women, boys, and girls and] eliminate [Cuba: delete: de jure and de facto] [Cuba: add: all kinds of] [African Group, Costa Rica: add: all forms of] discrimination against women [Yemen; Qatar; Iran: end para here] [China: add: of all ages] [Brazil; Israel, USA; Turkey, New Zealand, African Group, Costa Rica: add: and girls] [EU: add: including] [Costa Rica: including de jure and de facto discrimination, inter alia] [Canada: add: against women and girls in all areas of life, including] in relation to [Cuba: add: employment, access to health and education services] marriage, [Turkey: add: including the elimination of early and forced marriages] family, [African Group: add: custody] [EU: add: work] [Turkey: add: criminal][Chile: delete: inheritance and property laws] [African Group: add: equal access to] [Chile: add: property and inheritance laws] [Pakistan; Qatar: add: taking into account that motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance] [Israel: add: and to put in place incentive systems as well as enforcement measures] [USA: add: including by recognizing women’s joint ownership of marital property and automatic possession of the marital home upon the death of a spouse; providing for equal inheritance rights for girls and boys; criminalizing property disinheritance from widows and surviving children; and working towards changing discriminatory aspects of customary laws in consultation with ministries of justice and of women, traditional leaders, and grassroots women’s organizations].

USA: add: d bis:
Review national laws, including customary laws and legal practices in the areas of family, civil, penal, labor and commercial law, in order to ensure the implementation of the principles and procedures of all relevant international human rights instruments by means of national legislation. (based on BPfA, para 232(d) )

USA: add: d ter:
Revoke any remaining laws that discriminate on the basis of sex and remove gender bias in the administration of justice. (based on BPfA para 232(d) )

e. Mainstream gender perspectives into [Philippines: add: the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of] all legislation, policies and programmes [New Zealand: add: including development cooperation] [Israel: add: design a gender sensitive system that reflects unpaid work in systems of national accounts], and incorporate gender-responsive budgeting processes [African Group: delete: policy] [Philippines: delete: across all policy areas] [African Group: add; areas, and enhance regional and international cooperation] [Venezuela: add: at the local, national, and international levels as well as to increase international cooperation], to promote [Costa Rica: gender equality and empowerment of women, including on] the equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men [Canada: add: girls and boys], including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS, [African Group: add: and the increasing burden of disease and poverty] [Switzerland: add: and ensure that policies and programmes do not perpetuate or exacerbate the impact of stereotypes and inequalities (based on E/CN.6/2009/2, para 53)]

USA: add: e bis:
Strengthen coordination, accountability, effectiveness and efficiency in the United Nations system for the achievement of, and to address, under-resourcing in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Switzerland: add: e bis:
Increase consultation with women and strengthen their access to decision-making in policies and programmes to support caregiving, including in the context of HIV/AIDS
[New Zealand: add: and ensure that men and boys are consulted and actively involved in policies and programmes that aim to improve the equal sharing of responsibilities with women and girls.]

EU: add: e bis:
Take appropriate measures to achieve shared work and parental responsibilities between women and men, including measures to reconcile care and professional life and emphasize men’s responsibilities with respect to household work, and encourage and enable men to take responsibility for their sexual and reproductive behaviour.

EU: add: e ter:
Take special measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence, particularly rape and other forms of sexual abuse and all forms of violence including in conflict and post-conflict situations, and in crises and other situations of fragility;

EU: add: e quart:
Promote understanding of the critical role of men and boys in achieving gender equality and encourage and support the active involvement of men and boys in bringing about change in attitudes, relationships and access to resources and decision-making, which are critical for the full enjoyment of all human rights by women.

Malaysia: add: e bis:
Promote and strengthen international cooperation to accelerate the development process in which women played a key role and should be equal beneficiaries (para 17 (i) of agreed conclusions Equal participation of women and men in decision-making processes at all levels, 50th CSW)

China: add e bis:
Take efforts to devise an economic, social and cultural strategy for care based on the acknowledgement of the societal and individual value of adequate care for all and the vision of empowering both women and men full and equal human development opportunities (based on EGM report, para 106)

China: add: e ter:
Integrate gender perspectives into counter financial crisis policies and measures and take specific actions to reduce disproportionate and negative impacts including shift of burden on women, and ensure women benefit equality as men from job creation and infrastructure expansion.

Holy See: add: e bis:
To ensure that repatriation mechanisms allow for the identification and special protection of persons in vulnerable situations and take into account, in conformity with their international obligations and commitments, the principle of the best interest of the child and family reunification (Resolution "Rights of Migrants" A/RES/63/184 para 14)

Holy See: add: e ter:
Guarantee, to the extent consistent with the obligations of each State, the right of a child whose parents reside in different States to maintain, on a regular basis, save in exceptional circumstances, personal relations and direct contact with both parents by providing enforceable means of access and visitation in both States and by respecting the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for the upbringing and development of their children (Rights of the child resolution, A/RES/63/241, para 14)

Syria: add: e bis:
Take measures to provide urgent international assistance and protection to women in war-torn and foreign occupation areas as they find themselves unexpectedly cast as sole manager of household, sole parent, caretaker of elderly relatives and caregivers for injured combatants.

African Group: add: e bis
Design and strengthen poverty eradication strategies, with the full and effective participation of women, that reduce the feminization of poverty and HI/AIDS to enhance the capacity of women and empower them to meet the negative social and economic impacts of globalization; (based on 21 c of AC 2008)

[Costa Rica; EU: delete: Valuing and measuring] [Costa Rica; EU: add: Recognizing] unpaid work

(f) Promote greater [Switzerland; Samoa: add: understanding and] recognition that [Samoa: add: all forms of] care work [Switzerland: add: is a critical societal function, contributing to the reproduction of society and to economic development and] should be [Turkey; Samoa: add: equally] shared between women and men, [EU: add: on an equal footing] [African Group: add: boys and girls, within the family and households] [Samoa: add: extended families ensuring the long-term implications for families are addressed] [Holy See: add: in the context of the family] [Holy See: delete: as well as between] [Holy See: add: with the support of], the State [Turkey: add: at national and local levels], the private sector, [African Group: add: and] civil society [EU: add: at all levels] [African Group: delete: and households]; and strengthen dialogue and coordination between all relevant stakeholders, including [Holy See; Samoa: add: faith based organizations,] Governments, [Turkey: add: local authorities] employers, civil society,[CARICOM: delete rest of para] including women’s organizations [EU: add: local grass roots groups of home-based caregivers] and trade unions [Turkey: add: media and educational institutions], [EU: for clarification: and donors] in this respect]; [Israel: add: change gender-based division of labour and ensure that unpaid work of women should be measured and valued through existing and improved mechanisms]

(g) [Costa Rica: merge (g) and (h)] [EU: delete whole para] [Costa Rica: delete: Recognize and] [Turkey: add: take necessary measures to] [Costa Rica: delete: incorporate the value and] [Costa Rica: add: Assess the] cost of [New Zealand: delete: care] [African Group: add: including qualitative care, to family and households] [New Zealand: add: unpaid work within and between families and] [Costa Rica, New Zealand: delete: to] [Costa Rica: add: in order to better reflect its value into] households and society at large in national [Turkey: add: and local] economic and social [Malaysia: add: development] policies, strategies, plans and budgets across all relevant sectors, [Uruguay: add: including education, health and employment] as well as in international development cooperation policies and programmes; (based on E/CN.6/2009/4, para 59)] [Israel :add: take measures to facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life to care for children and other dependants]

New Zealand: add: g bis
Consider updating the UN System of National Accounts to take into account the unremunerated care work carried out within families and households.

(h) [EU: move para to data collection section] [Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Chile: delete whole para or merge with g]: [Syria: delete: Measure] [Syria: add: Develop], in quantitative [African Group: add: and qualitative] [Syria: delete: terms] [Syria: add: measures for], unremunerated work that is outside national accounts, [Malaysia: delete: work to] accurately assess and reflect its value [Malaysia: delete until ‘consistent’] in [New Zealand: delete: satellite or other] official accounts [New Zealand, Samoa: delete: that are separate from but consistent] with [Malaysia: add: -in] [Malaysia: delete: core national] [Malaysia: add: such] accounts; [Israel: add: to cooperate in providing resources and technical assistance in valuing and making visible women’s unpaid work.]

Labour and social policies

(i) Adopt [Turkey: delete and] implement [Niue: add: CEDAW-compliant] [Costa Rica: add: as appropriate] [Turkey: add: and monitor] [Niue: delete: gender-sensitive] [Qatar: add: and family-supportive] legislation and policies to [African Group: ensure effective and efficient implementation of] [African Group; Niue: delete: improve] [Costa Rica; Niue: delete: rights], ]Cuba: add: improve all human rights and wellbeing] [Niue, Samoa: add: ensure the promotion and protection of the human rights of paid and unpaid caregivers, particularly in the areas of] [Costa Rica: add: the] social protection, [Niue: add: pay equity] [Costa Rica: add: and] [Turkey: add: social security rights] [African Group: add: improved] working conditions [Costa Rica: delete:, and representation] [Costa Rica: delete: of] [Costa Rica; CARICOM: delete: both paid and unpaid] [Costa Rica: add: of] caregivers [Niue: add: particularly women and girls, to protect those who are most vulnerable, reduce poverty and encourage income-generation by women] [Cuba: add: as well as to work and take measures toward poverty eradication]

Turkey: add: i bis.
Encourage social security regimes to take into account the time spent by working women and men on child and dependent care, (as well as the leave periods). (based on 1996/3 para 12j)

Turkey: add i ter:
Take the necessary measures to prohibit all forms of direct or indirect discrimination based on gender or matrimonial status, inter alia, by making reference to family responsibilities; (based on 1996/3 para 12a)

(j) [Costa Rica: delete whole para] [African Group: add: Assess the existing legislation and] Adopt [Turkey: delete and] implement [African Group: where needed gender-sensitive] [Turkey: add: and monitor] legislation and policies [Turkey: add: and eliminate existing discriminatory legislation, as appropriate] to promote reconciliation of [Malaysia: delete: work] [Malaysia: add: occupational] and family responsibilities, [African Group: delete: including efforts] [African Group: add: This must include efforts] to [Venezuela: add: achieve equal remuneration] [Venezuela, Canada: delete: close the gap] [Canada: add: eliminate the gap] between women [Costa Rica: delete: ’s] and men [Costa Rica: delete: ’s] [African Group: add: remuneration] [Venezuela; African Group: delete: pay] [Turkey: add: and time use] , reduce occupational [Turkey: add: and sectoral] [African Group: delete: segregation] [African Group: add: inequalities], [Malaysia: delete: and][EU: delete: increase flexibility in] [African Group: add: all] [EU: delete: working arrangements] [Japan: add: voluntary] [CARICOM; EU: delete: such as part-time work] [Israel: add: and other home-based work]; [Australia: add: and equal sharing that is targeted to all workers to avoid reinforcing stereotypes] [Turkey: add: coupled with social security schemes] [Malaysia: add: and increase opportunities for women and girls, as well as men and boys, to work in non-traditional sectors] [EU: add: the capacity of public and private enterprises to promote actively gender equality, including by adopting policies and practices aimed at enabling their employees to reconcile their professional, private and family life]

Cuba: add: j ALT
Adopt and implement legislation and/or policies to close the gap between
women’s and men’s pay, and promote reconciliation of occupational and family responsibilities, including through the reduction of occupational segregation, the introduction or expansion of parental leave, and flexible working arrangements, such as voluntary part-time work, teleworking and other home-based work; (AC 2004, 6 (m))

(k) [Costa Rica: merge j and k; CARICOM: delete whole para] [USA; Niue: delete: Ensure the protection of] [Niue: add: Ensure the availability of and access to] [USA: add: Strengthen efforts to protect] [EU: add: female and male] [Niue: delete: workers with] flexible working arrangements[Niue, Cuba: add: for all workers][African Group: delete: with] regard [African Group: add: -ing] [African Group: delete: to] wages, social protection [Turkey: add: social security and pensions] and other benefits; [EU: delete: and] [African Group; EU: delete: target] [African Group: add: avail] [EU: delete: such measures to all workers] [Philippines: add: and to prevent all worst forms of child labour] [Uruguay: add: so as to avoid reinforcement of gender stereotypes] [Niue, Samoa: add: including temporary and seasonal migrant workers, and ensure protection for workers];

(l) [USA: delete: Ensure] [USA; CARICOM: delete: that] [USA: add: Strengthen efforts to allow] [CARICOM: delete: both women and men] [USA: delete have] [CARICOM: add: full and equal] access to maternity [Malaysia; EU: delete: and] paternity [Malaysia; EU: delete: leave], [Costa Rica: delete: parental] and [EU: add: /or][Costa Rica: add: promote] other forms of [Costa Rica: add: parental] leave, and [African Group: add: also] [Costa Rica: delete until fathers] [USA; Malaysia: delete: provide] [USA: add: considering providing appropriate] [Malaysia: delete: incentives] [Malaysia: add: allow opportunities] to men to avail themselves of this leave [USA; CARICOM; African Group, Israel: delete:, including inter alia through] [CARICOM; African Group; Malaysia, Israel: delete: earmarked entitlements for [CARICOM; African Group; Malaysia: delete: fathers] [Costa Rica: add: parents] [African Group: add: and utilize it for the purpose of caregiving] [Malaysia: add: awareness-raising campaigns for the general public, schools, workplaces and other relevant institutions] [Israel: add: encourage men through information, education and training to participate in the care and support of sick persons, including in the context of HIV/AIDS]

Turkey: add: l bis:
Adopt legislative measures, incentives and/or measures of encouragement that would enable women to take maternity, men to take paternity and men and women to take parental leave and receive social security benefits. Such measures should protect working men and women against dismissal and guarantee their right to re-enter employment in an equivalent post; (agreed conclusions, 1996/3 para 12c)

(m) [USA: delete: Ensure that] [USA: add: Endeavour to improve the availability of] social protection measures [CARICOM: delete: such as health insurance, child and family allowances] [Niue: add: worker’s compensation, unemployment benefits, disability benefits,] [Switzerland: add: , cash transfers and tax credits] [Philippines: add: as well as social safety nets to address economic shocks or environmental crisis] and information on these benefits [USA: delete: are widely available,] [USA: add: and that they avoid] [USA; African Group: delete: that these measures do not] African Group: These measures must not][Costa Rica: delete: inadvertently] [USA: delete reinforce] [USA: add: reinforcing] [African Group: delete: gender] biases [African Group: add: against women], [USA: add: and] [African Group: and must ensure] that workers [Cuba: add: especially women] are not discriminated against when they avail themselves of the benefits [CARICOM: delete rest of para: available [Costa Rica: delete rest of para), and [USA: delete: that] [USA: add: endeavour to have] these benefits [Malaysia: add: are regularly reviewed to take into account] [African Group: must also] [Malaysia: delete: cover new, flexible and] emerging forms of work, including in the informal sector; [Iran: add: recognized by national law]

(n). [USA: delete: Develop] [USA: add: Consider developing] [Singapore: add: Develop appropriate savings or remunerative schemes to ensure that women’s and men’s basic] minimum [Costa Rica; EU: add: retirement] [China: add: Develop and improve minimum social protection schemes including] pensions [Philippines: add: or other forms of social insurance] [EU: add: or other similar forms of social protection] independent of years of contribution to [USA: delete: ensure] [USA: add: meet] [USA: delete: that] basic minimum needs [USA: delete: are met], and [USA: delete: recognize] [USA: add: recognizing] [Costa Rica: add: as appropriate] leave periods for caregiving in calculation of pension benefits

(o) [Israel: add: Ensure the protection of rights and regulations of] [USA: delete: Strengthen efforts] [USA: add: Endeavour to strengthen] [Turkey: add: adopt, implement and monitor legislation and measures] [Israel: delete: to protect the rights and] [Singapore: delete: regulate] [Singapore: add: improve] the working conditions of domestic workers, [Australia: add: including migrant domestic workers] including [Singapore: add: by promoting fair] working hours and wages, [Philippines: add: and protection from occupational hazards] and [USA: add: endeavour] to improve [China: add: their] access to health-care [Canada: add: services] [European Union: add: including for sexual and reproductive health [China: add: mental health] [Columbia: add: pension systems] and other social and economic benefits [Niue: add: and adopt special measures to protect the rights of all workers to form or join trade unions or other worker organizations]

Niue: add o bis:
Take or strengthen measures to address the specific needs of women and girls with disabilities in education and employment, including improving access to alternative format educational resources, ensuring barrier-free access to educational and other facilities, and greater access to paid work.

(p) Take [China: add: strong] measures [USA: add: as appropriate] to address the special needs of girls, including migrant [Mexico: add: indigenous] girls, [Niue: add: working or] [Turkey: add: as well as girls at risk of trafficking, early and forced marriages and girls who are not registered at birth] employed as domestic workers and [Niue: delete: of] those performing [Cuba: delete: excessive] domestic chores in their own [Niue: add: or other] households, [Niue: add: including those whose mothers are at work] and [Venezuela: add: promote opportunities for their education] develop [Turkey: add: and implement] measures [Israel: add: and legal instruments] [Turkey: add: and services] to prevent [EU: add: and eliminate] their labour and economic exploitation, [EU: add: including the worst forms of child labour] and [Venezuela: delete: sexual abuse] [Venezuela: add: to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls]; and Niue: add: including through ensuring access to free primary and secondary education and addressing the root causes of this additional burden on girls;] [Uruguay: add: ensure that they have access to education and vocational training, health services, food, shelter and recreation;] [Israel: add: and ensure that they have access to education and vocational training, health, food, care and shelter and are protected from sexual harassment and abuse];

EU: add: p bis
Design and adopt policies and legislation to create a structural framework, which enables men to engage in caregiving at the household level and in paid care work, including child, health or elder care (based on E/CN.6/2009/4, para 57)]

Cuba: add: p bis
Strengthen education, health, and social services and effectively utilize resources to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and ensure women’s and girls’ rights to education at all levels and the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including sexual and reproductive health, as well as quality, affordable and universally accessible health care and services, in particular primary health care (based on the agreed conclusions of financing on gender equality and the empowerment of women, 2008, para 21 ee)

Cuba: add: p ter
Design and strengthen poverty eradication strategies, with the full and effective participation of women, that reduce the feminization of poverty and enhance the capacity of women and empower them to meet the negative social and economic impacts of globalization; based on the agreed conclusions of financing on gender equality and the empowerment of women, 2008, para 21 c)

Provision of services/ infrastructure
(q) [Israel: add: Ensure access to necessary health services and] Develop [Turkey: add: and allocate adequate human and financial resources] and/or expand the provision of [Africa: add: equitable, quality, accessible and affordable care and nutrition support] quality [Turkey; Canada, Malaysia, CARICOM: add: accessible] and [Samoa: add: accessible] affordable [Samoa: add: quality] care services [Philippines: add: with priority given to the poor, marginalized and the vulnerable children] for [USA: add: all persons, including] children, [USA; EU: delete: the elderly], [USA; EU: add: older persons] [USA: add: indigenous] the sick and [USA; EU: delete: people living] [USA: EU: add: persons] with disabilities; [Columbia: add: including through the support to community-based support systems] [Philippines: add: to reduce their exclusion and the leakage rates to non-poor in the availment of such services] [Canada: add: people living with HIV/AIDS] and [USA: add: endeavour to expand] [USA: delete: ensure that] such services [USA: add: so that they] meet the needs of both caregivers and care-recipients [Niue: add: and their families] [China: delete: in terms of ] [China: add: including][Costa Rica, Cuba: add: accessibility,] proximity, [Canada: delete: opening hours] [Canada: add: hours of operation] and cost [EU: add: taking into account that child and dependant care can constitute a major source of new jobs for women and men] [Australia; Samoa: add: and respond to kinship and extended family obligations] [Niue: add: and taking into account the increased pressure on extended families, especially, women and girls, caring for the young, elderly, sick and persons with disabilities in rural and remote locations and the concentration of working parents in urban centres due to increased labour mobility of women and men];

Chile: add: q bis
Assess and respond to the needs for integrated human resources at all levels of the health system, in order to achieve MDG 6 and the targets of the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, and to take actions, as appropriate, to effectively govern the recruitment, training, deployment and retention of skilled health personnel in the treatment, care and support for those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. (Ref. Agreed language OP9 Res 62/180 Decade to roll back malaria; Resolution 60/262, OP 23; WHO report “Priority interventions, HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care in the health sector”, Chapter 2.2. “Strengthening and expanding health systems”, December 2008, which addresses the brain drain in developed countries thus perpetuating the role and burden on family members, women and girls and non trained caregivers.; Principles of Alma Ata]

Syria: add: q bis
Support the UN relief organizations and ensure that their necessary care services are provided to meet the needs of women living under foreign occupation, including in the context of care-giving.

(r) [EU: delete: Increase investments] [EU: add: Allocate adequate resources] [Malaysia: delete: in] [Malaysia: add: and strengthen efforts to provide] quality [Turkey; Canada: add: accessible] and affordable [Philippines: add: social protection such as social welfare and social safety nets and] public services, [Africa: add: in particular those that target women and the girl child] including [Philippines: add early child care and development facilities], [Malaysia: add: capacity-building and human resource, nutritional, educational and literacy, and heath and social services] [Turkey: add: preschool education] [CARICOM, Africa; Bangladesh, Niue: delete: schools] [EU: add: day-care] [Africa: add: school-based HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns] [CARICOM; Turkey; Niue: add: education] [Bangladesh: add: formal and non-formal education] [CARICOM, EU: delete and], health [CARICOM: add: and other social] [Turkey: add: and full access, particularly to youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services and counselling, especially in the context of STI’s, including HIV/AIDS and care] services [New Zealand: delete: in quality and affordable health services, including schools and health services] [EU: add: including more and better trained health care workers, and family planning] [Africa; Israel: add: with special attention to the prevention and treatment of mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS by improved pre-natal, labour, delivery and post-natal care that promotes a healthy outcome for mother and child] [Australia: add: including in remote and rural areas, incorporating gender equality as a basic principle] [Niue: add: incorporating gender equality as a basic principle to advance women and girls’ full participation in economic, social and political life and promote sharing of responsibilities between women and men]; [China: add: with priority given to poor families] [New Zealand: add: and strengthen education, health, and social services and effectively utilize resources to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and ensure women's and girls' rights to education at all levels and the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including sexual and reproductive health, as well as quality, affordable and universally accessible health care and services, in particular primary health care] (E/CN.6/2008/11 para 21ee).

Costa Rica: add: r bis
Elaborate and implement comprehensive national development and poverty reduction strategies that support families and communities in meeting their care responsibilities

USA: add: r bis
Implement measures to increase capacities of women and adolescent girls to protect themselves from risk of HIV infection, through the provision of health care and health services, including comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, and through prevention and education that promotes gender equality within a gender sensitive framework and provides, whenever possible, age-appropriate sex education based on full and accurate information.

Brazil: add: r bis
Take measures to improve the autonomy of women, including young women, to protect themselves against the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, including by means of increased access to female preservatives.

Proposal by Yemen: merge (r) and (s)

(s) Increase [China: add: safe and affordable] [Malaysia: add: availability] [EU: add and improve] access [Malaysia: delete: to] [Malaysia: add: and use of critical] of public infrastructure, such as transportation, [Canada: add: telecommunication] [Malaysia: add: the provision of a safe and reliable] [EU: add: clean] water [Malaysia: add: supply], sanitation [Malaysia: delete: and] energy [Malaysia: add: and affordable housing programmes] [Australia: add: particularly in remote] [Turkey: add: and to labour-saving technologies] [Philippines: add: especially by women], in particular in [Malaysia: delete: rural and slum] [CARICOM: delete: and slum] [Malaysia; CARICOM; China: add: poverty stricken] areas, [China: add: including safe, affordable and equal access to women and girls] to reduce the [Africa: add: burden of] care [Africa: delete: burden] on [Africa: add: family and the] households [EU: add: which is disproportionately borne by women and girls]; (based on E/CN.6/2009/2, para 78 (l))

Costa Rica: add: s bis
Increase international financial and technical cooperation for development and for specific and targeted activities to ensure gender equality and empowerment of women

Caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS

Canada: add: s bis
Reaffirm that the full realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all is an essential element in the global response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, including in the areas of prevention, treatment, care and support, and recognize that addressing stigmatization and discrimination is also a critical element ion combating the global HIV/AIDS pandemic; (Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, A /Res/60/262, para 11).

t. [Switzerland, EU: delete: entire paragraph.] Integrate [Africa: delete: caregiving] [Uruguay: delete caregiving responsibilities of both women and men, [Canada: add: girls and boys] including in home-based care], [Uruguay: add: gender perspectives] [Africa: add: health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, care and support] including in [Africa: add: community] home-based [USA: add: and community-based] care, into [CARICOM: delete: all] [Australia: delete: national] [CARICOM: add: health policies, in particular] [Africa: add: public health] HIV/AIDS policies, strategies, action plans and programmes, [Uruguay: add: taking into account the caregiving responsibility of both women and men] [Africa: add: including those for HIV/AIDS];

Switzerland: add: t alt
Integrate gender perspectives into national HIV/AIDS policies and programmes, taking into account the caregiving responsibilities of both women and men, including in home based care; (based on E/CN.6/2009/2, Para 78n)

EU: add: t.alt
Integrate gender perspectives into national HIV/AIDS policies and programmes, taking into account the caregiving responsibilities of both women and men, and include caregivers, in particular women, including women living with HIV/AIDS, in the decision-making processes; (based on E/CN.6/2009/2, para 78 (n))

u. [Cuba: supports para. would move up ] [Israel: add: Increase prevention measures to] Significantly scale up efforts, [Africa: add to mitigate the impact of poverty and underdevelopment] in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, towards the goal of universal access [Niue: add: confidential and] to comprehensive prevention programmes, treatment, care and support by 2010, [Malaysia; Chile: add: reduce stigma and discrimination] [Iran: add: taking into account local circumstances, ethics and cultural values] [Africa: add: in order to halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015] [Niue: add: including to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information, services and education] and ensure that those efforts promote [Switzerland: add: the full realization of human rights and] gender equality and take into account the caregiving responsibilities of both women and men [Niue: add: and recognize that violence against women, gender-based violence and women’s poverty are barriers to full enjoyment of the rights to sexual and reproductive health which are inextricably linked with HIV/AIDS];

Samoa: add: u bis:

Niue: add: u bis
Take measures to address the specific needs of women and girls with disabilities in HIV/AIDS prevention programmes, including ensuring accessibility and availability of information on HIV prevention, and treatment as well as sexual and reproductive health services, including information, including in alternative formats, and through eliminating stereotypical views of persons, especially women and girls with disabilities and sexuality.]

Cuba: add: u bis
Ensure that in all policies and programmes designed to provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support, particular attention and support is given to the girl child at risk, infected with, and affected by HIV/AIDS, including pregnant girls and young and adolescent mothers, as part of the global effort to scale up significantly towards the goal of universal access to comprehensive prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010; (para 14.5 a of the AC, 2007)

v. Strengthen, [EU: add: expand] and improve, [USA: add: expand and make accessible] public [EU: add: including community based] [Philippines: add: and other support] health care [Africa; Brazil: add: and social protection] [China: add: and social protection systems] services [USA: delete: to alleviate] [EU: add: and access to commodities including male and female condoms] [USA: add: and human resources for health by increasing national funding in a continuum of care that supports and alleviates] [Africa: add: specifically related to the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS] [Malaysia: add: and to reduce stigma and discrimination] [Niue: add: including in hospital- and hospice-based care] the current demands on women [Switzerland: add: in particular older women] and girls to provide unpaid care services in their [Africa: Malaysia: delete: households and] [Malaysia: delete: and communities] in the context of HIV/AIDS, including in [Malaysia: delete: rural] [Malaysia: add: poverty-stricken] areas;

EU: add: v bis
Ensure that the existing HIV/AIDS policies, strategies, resources allocation and programmes at all levels be reviewed and adapted to ensure that they contribute to empowering women and reducing their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS (based on E/CN.6/2009/6, para 81)

Canada: add: v bis
Strengthen and improve the quality of comprehensive public healthcare and services, including psycho-social support services and increased professional healthcare providers, especially in rural areas, to alleviate the current demands ….

w. [New Zealand: add: Develop multisectoral policies and programmes and] Increase [Africa: delete: resource allocations] [Africa: add: allocation of resources] to strengthen and support [Africa; EU: add: community and] [Philippines: add: support to professional, community and] home-based care providers, including through improved access to information on [Turkey: add: STIs] HIV prevention, treatment, care and support [Africa: add: particularly nutrition and counselling to address stress, stigma and depression] [EU: add: access to social protection mechanisms] as well as training, basic equipment and resources; [China: add: and mental health programmes]

x. Take measures to encourage and support men’s [Switzerland; Malaysia: add: and boy’s] responsibility [USA: delete: for] [USA: add: and involvement in] [Africa: add: community and] [Malaysia: add: unpaid] home-based care in order to address the disproportionate burden borne by women and girls in caring for [CARICOM: delete: the chronically ill] [CARICOM: add: elderly, the sick, persons with disabilities and people living with HIV] [USA: add: and to increase the opportunities for men to enjoy the emotional benefits of enhanced caregiving roles in their families] [EU: add: and create and improve training and education programmes to enhance awareness and knowledge among men as well as women of their roles as parents, legal guardians and caregivers and the importance of sharing family responsibilities, and include fathers and male guardians as well as mothers and female guardians in programmes that teach infant childcare and development;]; [China: add text]

Venezuela: add: x bis
Identify and address the needs of women, including older women and widows, who find themselves having to provide care for those living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, including access to health care and support services and antiretroviral treatment

Africa: add: x bis
Identify and address the needs of women, including older women and widows , who find themselves having to provide care for those living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, including access to health care and support services, including antiretroviral treatment, promotion and protection of their rights (Based on op5 of the CSW resolution 52/4).

y. Identify and [Turkey: add: take all necessary measures to] address the needs of girls [Africa: add: especially those] [Chile, Costa Rica: delete: heading households] [Malaysia: delete: girls heading] [Malaysia: add: female headed] [Chile: add: inter alia, girls heading households] [EU: add women, especially older women and] in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, for, inter alia, protection, [Malaysia: add: reducing stigma and discrimination], [Venezuela: delete: access to financial [Africa: add: and economic] resources] [Venezuela: add: education] [Bangladesh: add: including micro-credit] [Malaysia: add: including sustainable economic opportunities and empowerment, as well as] [USA: add: inheritance rights,] access to health care [China: add: education and training] and support services, including [USA: add: mental health care, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, HIV testing, prevention, care, treatment and support programmes and] affordable [Africa: add: treatment, and access to education [Africa: delete: HIV/AIDS treatment [Costa Rica: add: and for opportunities to continue their education] [USA: add: and end the stigmatization of persons living with HIV/AIDS]; [EU: add: and sex education and for opportunities to continue their education or occupational training]; [Israel: add: text]

EU: add: y bis
Strengthen measures to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls and invest in technologies that give women the possibility to protect themselves against HIV infection, including female condoms, and new preventive technologies such as microbicides and AIDS vaccines.

EU: add: y ter
Develop, implement and promote comprehensive and coordinated measures to eradicate gender stereotypes in all areas, so as to change the representations of the roles of men and women in family and private life, at work and in public and political life

Turkey: add: y bis
Educate men and boys to accept their role and responsibility in the spreading of HIV/AIDS and in matters related to sexuality, reproduction and childrearing and to promote equality between women and men, girls and boys; (based on the agreed conclusions on the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child, 2007, pafa.14.5.c)

USA: add: y bis
Ensure that, in all policies and programmes designed to provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support, attention and support is given to the girls at risk, infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS, including pregnant girls and young and adolescent mothers.

USA: add: y ter
Increase consultation with women and men, girls and boys to strengthen their access to decision-making in policies and programmes designed to support care-giving, including in the context of HIV/AIDS.

Canada: add: y bis
Urges Governments and other relevant stakeholders to address the challenges faced by older women in accessing HIV prevention, treatment, care and support as well as in caring for people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, including orphaned and vulnerable children.

Africa: add: y bis
Design and implement programs, including awareness raising programs, to encourage and enable men , including young men, to adopt safe, non coercive and responsible sexual and reproductive behavior and to use effective methods to prevent the transmission of HIV and other sexual transmitted infections.

Eliminating [Venezuela, Costa Rica: delete: gender] [Pakistan: add: harmful] [Venezuela, Costa Rica: add: gender-based] stereotypes

Malaysia: add: y bis
Encourage active involvement of men and boys in eliminating gender stereotypes as well as gender inequality in particular in relation to sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, as well as their full participation in prevention, advocacy, care, treatment, support and impact evaluation programmes (based on para 6 (o) of agreed conclusions on the role of men and boys in achieving gender equality, 48th CSW)

Brazil: add: y bis
Design and implement programmes, including awareness-raising programmes, to encourage and enable men, including young men, to adopt safe, non-coercive and responsible sexual and reproductive behaviour and to use effective methods to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (based on OP29, CSW 52/4, on Women, the girl child and HIV/AIDS)

EU: add y quart
Develop, implement and promote comprehensive and coordinated measures to eradicate gender stereotypes in all areas, so as to change the representations of the roles of men and women in family and private life, at work and in public and political life

z. Implement comprehensive and coordinated [EU: add: measures, including training and awareness] information [EU: delete: al] campaigns [Canada: add: targeted to girls, boys, women and men], involving, inter alia, [Pakistan: community and local institutions] educational institutions, workplaces in both the public and private sector, the media and civil society, [Canada: religious and traditional leaders] [China: add: including youth organizations] [Niue: add: and leaders of faith-based organizations] [Turkey: add: and local authorities] [CARICOM: delete: to challenge] [CARICOM: add: with a view to eliminating] [Iran: add: harmful] [Pakistan: delete: stereotypical] [Niue: add: traditional and cultural] [African Group: delete: gender] roles [African Group: add: of women and men] [USA: add: raise awareness of gender stereotyping in performance ratings] and promote [Niue: delete: greater] [Niue: add: equal] [EU: add: gender equality and][Turkey: add: and equal] sharing of [Cuba: delete: paid and unpaid] work [China: including caring and family responsibilities] between [African Group: delete: women and men] [African Group: add: them];

USA: add: z bis:
Elaborate policies and programmes of zero tolerance for violence against women and girls, including promoting policies and programmes that encourage the abandonment of female genital mutilation.

USA: add: z ter:
Promote shared responsibility of men and women to encourage safe sex and empower women to have control of and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality in order to increase their ability to protect themselves from HIV infection (based on Beijing Declaration, para 97 and 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, para 59).

aa. [Niue, China: delete: Encourage] [Niue, China: add: Urge] decision-makers at all levels, including those with responsibilities for policies, legislation, programmes [EU: add: education] and allocation of public resources, as well as parents, [China; add: teachers] [USA: add: older persons, caregivers,] [Chile: add: community and] religious [Chile: delete: and traditional] leaders [Canada: faith-based organizations] [EU: delete: and] [Turkey: add: youth] [Niue: delete: and] employers, [Canada: add: teachers and other adult education and media institutions] [Niue: add: and young people] [EU: add: and teachers] [Chile: add: media, influential public figures and other policymakers] to play leadership roles in [CARICOM; Pakistan: delete: challenging and] eliminating [Turkey: add: gender discriminatory] [Pakistan: add: harmful] stereotypical views of [China: delete: women’s and men’s] [China: add: gender] [Niue: add: household and community] roles [Pakistan: add: of women and men] and promoting [Canada: delete: increased] [Canada: add: equal] sharing of paid and unpaid work between women and men [USA: add: and promoting the importance of having women’s perspectives included at all levels of public and private sector decision-making]; [Chile: add: ref. resolution 63/15/8, OP 8 (i) on efforts to end obstetric fistula]

EU: add: aa bis
Take into account the life cycle perspective as an approach to overcome gender stereotypes and to promote the equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men

Australia/Niue: aa bis
Adopt measures to increase the representation of women in decision-making positions, and set time-bound targets for achieving gender parity in national legislatures and introduce temporary special measures to achieve these targets;

bb. Create [EU: delete: and] improve [EU: add: and implement] training [EU: add: including for educators at all levels] and education programmes [Turkey: add: those directed to Governments, armed forces and humanitarian agencies] [EU: add: from the earliest possible age so as to accelerate socio-cultural change towards gender equality, including through critical review of school curricula, textbooks and other information, education and communication materials] to enhance awareness [USA: delete: and] knowledge [USA: add: and responsibility] among men and women of their roles as [EU: add: citizens], parents, legal guardians and caregivers and the importance of sharing family and caring responsibilities;

EU: add: bb bis
Take appropriate measures to educate and encourage parents and care givers to treat girls and boys equally [add: and to empower girls in order to prevent any kind of discrimination] and to ensure shared family responsibilities between girls and boys

cc. [EU, Uruguay: delete: Encourage men] [Turkey, USA, Niue, Brazil: add: and boys], [Uruguay: add: Take measures to increase the role of men in caregiving] through training, education and peer programmes, [EU: sensitize and involve men and boys] to participate fully in the care and support of others, [EU: delete: including older persons, persons with disabilities, sick persons, children and other dependants] [Canada: both within households and in care professions] [Philippines: add: and to refrain from committing any form of violence against women and girls]; [EU: add: and thereby encourage them to become agents of change in challenging gender stereotypes and in promoting women’s full enjoyment of human rights]; [Uruguay: and scale up interventions to reach boys and young men] [Australia: add: increase the capacity of men to raise children in a manner oriented towards gender equality …];

Philippines: add: cc bis:
Ensure services for the rehabilitation of men-perpetrators of violence and the mobilization of men as support group and advocates for the elimination of violence against women and girls

Turkey: add: cc bis:
Encourage media to review their existing policies with a gender equality perspective in order to integrate balanced and diverse portrayals of women and their multiple roles. (based on agreed conclusions 1996/2 para 2 and 15)

Turkey: add: cc ter:
Develop, support and promote programmes in cooperation with specialized women’s NGOs that aim at women’s awareness of their human rights and empowerment to ensure equality in decision-making in the family and equal sharing of responsibilities in cooperation with all other pertinent actors, including academia.

Turkey: add: cc quart:
Revise existing school curricula to ensure the elimination of gender biases in the role of girls and boys, women and men in family and caring responsibilities, including cultural and customary barriers.

China: add: cc bis
Promote resocialization programmes of girls and boys and provide training to men in care related activities to challenge gender norms and change gender roles and stereotypes

Malaysia: add: cc bis:
Carry out research on the views of men and boys on gender equality and their perceptions of their roles, as well as assessing the impacts of efforts undertaken to engage men and boys in achieving gender equality as an added means to address gender stereotypes (based on para 6 (x) of agreed conclusions on the role of men and boys in achieving gender equality, 48th CSW)

Israel: add: cc bis
Encourage the active involvement of men and boys, through education projects and peer-based programmes, in eliminating gender stereotypes as well as gender inequality, in particular in relation to sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, as well as their full participation in prevention, advocacy, care, treatment, support and impact evaluation programmes (AC 2004, para 6 (o)) – see also Malaysia 6 (y) bis

Data collection, research, monitoring and evaluation

dd. Conduct [Niue: add: evidence-based] research and collect [EU: add: analyze and disseminate] [Australia: delete: sex- and age-disaggregated data] [Australia: add: data disaggregated by sex, age and other relevant criteria], [EU: add: and, when necessary, re-examine the national measurement system] [African Group: add: and gender analysis] [Turkey: add: and develop indicators] to inform policy making, measure progress in the sharing of [Canada: add: equal] responsibilities between women and men, including in the context of HIV/AIDS, and identify the barriers men [EU: add: and boys] face to assume increased [African Group: prevention and] caregiving responsibilities due to stereotypical expectations [Niue: add: taking into account the diversity of social, political, economic, cultural and geographic issues];

China: add: dd bis:
Promote re-socialization programs of girls and boys and provide skill training to men in care related activities to challenge and change gender norms and stereotypical roles.

ee. Strengthen the capacity of national statistical offices [Turkey: add: and staff] to effectively conduct and utilize time-use surveys, which provide comprehensive information on all categories of activities, [EU: add: rendering visible women’s and men’s contributions to paid and unpaid work in order] to inform policy development that facilitates the sharing of unpaid work between women and men.

EU: add: ee bis
Develop improved mechanisms for monitoring, evaluating and documenting the implementation and impact of policies and strategies for increasing sharing of responsibilities between women and men and integrate gender-based analyses and impact assessments, as well as gender responsive budgeting, in a coordinated and comprehensive manner across policy areas.

Philippines: ee bis:
Develop gender- and rights-based performance indicators in the monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes

USA: add: ff:
Strengthen the capacity to review legislation with a view to striving to remove discriminatory provisions as soon as possible, and eliminate legislative gaps that leave women and girls without protection of their rights and without effective recourse against gender-based discrimination; (based on BPfA, para 68(b) )

USA: add: gg:
Promote the dissemination of statistics on the relative participation of women and men in leadership roles across various sectors of private enterprise and public office.

EU: Move h here
Measure, in quantitative terms, unremunerated work that is outside national accounts, work, to accurately assess and reflect its value in satellite or other official accounts that are separate from but consistent with core national accounts;

Facing global challenges

China: to be added on financial crisis

Niue, Samoa, Chile: add: hh:
Take all appropriate measures to integrate women, on an equal basis with men, in decision-making regarding sustainable resource management and the development of policies and programmes for sustainable development, including to address the disproportionate impact of climate change on women, including their displacement from income-generating activities, which greatly adds to unremunerated work, such as caregiving, and negatively impacts on their health, well-being and quality of life, particularly those whose livelihoods and daily subsistence depend directly on sustainable ecosystems.

International cooperation

Cuba: add: ii
Promote and strengthen international cooperation to accelerate the development process in which women played a key role and should be equal beneficiaries (based on agreed conclusions, 2006)

Cuba: add: ii bis
Allocate adequate resources for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women in the workplace, including unequal access to labour market participation and wage inequalities, as well as reconciliation of work and private life for both women and men (based on agreed conclusions 2008)

Cuba: add: ii ter
Also encourages Governments to increase the provision of resources and facilities to women who find themselves having to provide care and/or economic support for those infected with HIV/AIDS or affected by the pandemic, and for the survivors, particularly children and older persons, utilizing funds earmarked for care and support to reduce women’s disproportionate burden of care (based on CSW resolution 50/12, women, girl child and HIV/AIDS)

Cuba: add: ii quart
Urge developed countries that have not yet done so, in accordance with their commitments, to make concrete efforts towards meeting the target of 0.7 per cent of their gross national product for official development assistance to developing countries and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of their gross national product to least developed countries, and encourage developing countries to build on the progress achieved in ensuring that official development assistance is used effectively to help meet development goals and targets and, inter alia, to assist them in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women (agreed conclusions on financing for gender equality and empowerment of women, 2008, para 21 q)

Cuba: add: ii quint
Strengthen international cooperation in order to develop human resources for health, as well as to increase universal access to health services, including in remote and rural areas of developing countries, taking into account the global crisis of the health workforce and its negative impact on the fight against HIV/AIDS and the burden it creates within the family.

Venezuela: add: ii bis
The Commission calls on all States and the international community, including the United Nations system, and invites international and non-governmental organizations and the private sector to mobilize and allocate all necessary resources, support and efforts, including at the international level, to realize the goals, strategic objectives and actions set out in the Beijing Platform for Action with regard to the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child and the further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, as well as other relevant commitments.

The Commission reaffirms the commitment to adequate financial resources at the international level for the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Cairo Plan of Action and the Beijing+5 outcome document in developing countries, especially through the strengthening of their national capacities.
(based on AC 2007, para 16 and 17)


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  Photo: Facilitation team (Liliane Nkunzimana, Lopa Banerjee, Nadia van der Linde, Ivy Koek) What do you think about when you hear countries are committed to 'revitalize' the UN Commission on the  Status of Women (CSW)? "Oh, is it dying?" is one of the responses I've gotten, as if the CSW is holding on to its last straws at the moment, in desparate need of resuscitation. The challenges ahead for the current multilateral system, as well as for many of our national governments, are huge. In order to give gender equality and the rights of all women and girls a bit more of a boost, UN Women has been encouraging countries to commit to a process to 'revitalize' the CSW. And now that this has indeed been taken on board by governments from around the world in the recent Pact for the Future, the conversation is moving to: So what does that mean? During the NGO Forum in Geneva that took place just prior to the UNECE Beijing+30 Regional Review in October 2024 I co-f...

The CSW68 is a wrap!

  Met Nederlands ambassadeur en CSW Facilitator Yoka Brandt op de foto na afloop van de CSW68 “We have reservations on the text. We don’t have instructions to proceed to adoption .” After seven days of negotiations at the UN during this year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), Nigeria almost blocked the negotiated outcome document from being adopted. Almost, because after some formal and informal interventions in Conference Room 4, the Nigerian delegate, flanked by the Dutch Ambassador Yoka Brandt, added: “I now have instructions to support the adoption.” On the balcony filled with civil society as well as in the plenary room there was a clear sigh of relief followed by enthusiastic applause, hugging and photo taking. We have Agreed Conclusions ! Early negotiations As usual, the CSW negotiations process started early February with a Zero Draft , developed by UN Women and the CSW Bureau. And with input and inspiration taken from the Secretary General Report. For the EU...

CSW68 Youth Dialogue statement by Fenna Timsi

  Dutch youth representative Fenna Timsi gives her statement in the CSW68 Youth Dialogue On Thursday afternoon, 14 March 2024, the Dutch youth representative Fenna Timsi gave her statement in the CSW68 Youth Dialogue inside the UN. The reflections from several participants of this year's Youth Dialogue - the second ever as part of the CSW - were that it has much improved compared to last year. Importantly, many more of the people who were given the floor were actually young people themselves. Many of the statements were rich and relevant in content with clear and important messages for the government delegates in the other room in the UN who had started the negotiations for the outcome document. Read Fenna's statement below or see the full Youth Dialogue here (Fenna's statement is at 1:20:10). Dear all,   As the Dutch UN Youth Representative, I thank you to speak independently on behalf of young people in the Netherlands, not on behalf of the government. I spoke to many yo...